

SRS_DRAGNET_0022 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The exporter shall be capable of exporting the results of the verification process to an HTML file.

References: SRS_DRAGNET_0079

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0021


SRS_DRAGNET_0023 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The HTML report shall list all files from which MTR were loaded.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0021


SRS_DRAGNET_0024 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

In the HTML report it shall be easy to see the result of the test at a glance (by using colors).

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0021


SRS_DRAGNET_0025 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

In the HTML report it shall be possible to see the reason for tests failing or being skipped, for example “changes detected in file xyz.cpp”.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0021


SRS_DRAGNET_0060 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The exporter shall be capable of exporting the results of the verification to a JSON file.


Back References: none


SRS_DRAGNET_0061 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The JSON export shall contain an array of objects. An object for each Manual Test Record.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0060


SRS_DRAGNET_0062 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The JSON export shall contain the MTRs and the result of their verification.

References: SRS_DRAGNET_0078

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0060


SRS_DRAGNET_0063 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The JSON export shall not contain the validation errors encountered during the MTR load process.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0060


SRS_DRAGNET_0064 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The JSON exporter shall export the Test Records’ id attribute as refs.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0060


SRS_DRAGNET_0069 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“none”]

The JSON exporter shall export all the meta-data fields to the generated JSON file.

References: SRS_DRAGNET_0065, SRS_DRAGNET_0070

Back References: none


SRS_DRAGNET_0070 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The fields test_method and tc_derivation_method shall be exported as arrays of strings (possibly with a single element) when thy have a value and omitted when they have none.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0069


SRS_DRAGNET_0065 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The JSON exporter shall export the Test Records’ name attribute as owner.

References: SRS_DRAGNET_0071

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0060, SRS_DRAGNET_0069


SRS_DRAGNET_0071 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The owner field shall always be exported as a String when the field has a value (arrays shall be “joined”) and omitted when there is no value.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0065


SRS_DRAGNET_0066 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

Since none of the properties of an MTR are guaranteed to be unique among them, the exporters shall generate a unique ID for each MTR to allow them to be uniquely identified outside of Dragnet.

References: SRS_DRAGNET_0067

Back References: none


SRS_DRAGNET_0078 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The JSON exporter shall include the timestamp attributes of the verification result.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0062


SRS_DRAGNET_0067 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The unique ID shall be generated by SHA1-hashing a string with the concatenation of:

  • The name of the file that contains the MTR

  • The content of the ‘id’ field (converted to string)

Only the first 16 characters of the resulting SHA1 shall be used.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0066


SRS_DRAGNET_0079 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The MTR’s ‘description’ field shall be rendered as Markdown in the exported HTML.

References: SRS_DRAGNET_0080

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0022


SRS_DRAGNET_0080 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“on_target”]

The ‘description’ text shall be sanitized BEFORE rendering it as Markdown to prevent XSS in the generated HTML report.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0079


SRS_DRAGNET_0081 | accepted | ESR Labs

Tags: [“covered”, “tested”]

Test Setups: [“off_target”]

The JSON exporter shall export the MTR’s filename.

References: none

Back References: SRS_DRAGNET_0060