Inputs and Outputs

This section provides the user a description of the inputs and outputs to and from the Dragnet Gem.


  1. CLI Arguments that are passed to the Dragnet gem via CLI during initializzation:

    1. Dragnet configuration and execution folder

    2. Multi-repo enable option

  2. Dragnet configuration files

    1. configuration file .dragnet.yaml is expected to be in the execution folder but an alternative path can be given via the CLI. It contains the configuration for dragnet, for example the glob patterns used to locate MTR files, among other things.


  1. CLI Logs of the executed commands

  2. JSON/HTMl report export of the check results on user request

  3. Exit Code

Possible Exit Codes

Exit Code



Success: MTR files were loaded successfully and their verification passed.

Unrecoverable (the execution will be aborted, export can be incomplete)


The given path (CLI argument) or the glob patterns in the configuration file are invalid or malformed


Dragnet couldn’t find any MTR files using the given glob patterns


Dragnet was unable to open the specified path (or the current working directory, if no path was given) as a Git repository.


Dragnet was unable to write to one or more of the files specified to export the data after the analysis (for example the HTML report).


Signals that a git operation was attempted on a repository with an incompatible type. This happens, for example, if the --multi-repo command line switch is given but the repository being checked is not a multi-repository (managed with git-repo), or the other way around.

Recoverable (the execution will finish, data will be exported)


Signals that Dragnet was unable to load one or more of the MTR files because of a format error, for example: a YAML syntax error, missing attributes, incompatible types, etc.


Signals that one or more of the MTRs failed (result is failed) or were skipped (changes were detected in the repository)


(Bitwise OR of 16 and 32) Signals that both the above conditions happened.