
Fetching Data using Index, QueryBuilder and QueryResults

# Creating a query that searches for persons named Klaus and are 45 age old
# and sorts the finding by their height and give back 5 items
query_builder = JayAPI::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder.new
query_builder.query.bool.must do |bool_clause|
  bool_clause.query_string(fields: 'name', query: 'Klaus')
  bool_clause.query_string(fields: 'age', query: 45)

# Use the ClientFactory class to get an Elasticsearch Client to use with the
# index
client = JayAPI::Elasticsearch::ClientFactory.new(
  cluster_url: 'https://elasticsearch.com',
  port: 456

# Creating an Index object with the client
index = JayAPI::Elasticsearch::Index.new(
  client: client, index_name: 'myjob_index'

# Search for data using the constructed query on the ES server
results = index.search(query_builder.to_query)

Adding aggregations to Elasticsearch queries

query_builder = JayAPI::Elasticsearch::QueryBuilder.new
query_builder.query.query_string(fields: 'build_job_name', query: 'Release-master')
#                  ^
#                  0 causes Elasticsearch to return only the aggregations (no documents)

query_builder.aggregations.avg('avg_runtime', field: 'test_case.runtime')
#                               ^^^^^^^^^^^           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#                            aggregation name         field to aggregate

results = index.search(query_builder.to_query)
results.aggregations # => {"avg_runtime"=>{"value"=>269.36}}

Fetching Build Properties using the PropertiesFetcher

# Proper initialization of a PropertiesFetcher object
fetcher = JayAPI::PropertiesFetcher.new(index: index)

 # Fetches the latest build from the given Job
 result = fetcher.by_build_job('Release-XYX01-Master').last
 # => {"_index" => "xyz01_build_properties", "_type" => "nested", ... }

 # Fetches a specific build given job name and number
 result = fetcher.by_build_job('Release-XYX01-Master').and.by_build_number(100).first
 # => {"_index" => "xyz01_build_properties", "_type" => "nested", ... }

 # Fetches builds marked with the provided software version
 result = fetcher.by_software_version('D300').limit(10).all
 # => #<Enumerator: ...>

 # Fetches release builds from a given job
 result = fetcher.by_build_job('Release-XYX01-Master').and.by_release_tag(true).all
 # => #<Enumerator: ...>