End-to-End Tests

The end-to-end tests located in ci/end-to-end/ require a test Elasticsearch server with dummy test data. This section outlines the steps to set up the environment and run the tests effectively.

Setup and Test Execution

  1. Start the Elasticsearch Server: Before running the tests, ensure the Elasticsearch server is up and running. To start the server, use the following command:

    bundle exec rake elasticsearch:start

    This will initiate the Elasticsearch server using Docker Compose. Allow a few seconds for the server to initialize.

  2. Upload Test Data: After starting the server, upload the test data from all .index files. This step is essential to prepare the server for running the tests.

    bundle exec rake elasticsearch:upload
  3. Run the End-to-End Tests: With the Elasticsearch server and test data set up, execute the end-to-end tests:

    bundle exec rspec spec/end-to-end/ --exclude-pattern=

Convenient Workflow

For a more streamlined workflow, you can use the following task to start the Elasticsearch server and upload test data consecutively:

bundle exec rake elasticsearch:start_and_upload

This task will invoke the elasticsearch:start and elasticsearch:upload tasks consecutively, ensuring that your server is up and running with the required test data before running the tests.


  1. Stop the Elasticsearch Server: After completing the tests, shut down the Elasticsearch server using the following command:

    bundle exec rake elasticsearch:stop

    This command will stop and remove the Docker containers associated with the test server.

By following these steps, you can successfully run and manage your end-to-end tests in a controlled and organized manner.