Compilation Database

This json database can be generated by CompilationDB in the main config:

ExecutableConfig {
  CompilationDB "$(ProjectDir)/cdb.json"

Without specifying a filename, it defaults to “compile_commands.json” in the working directory.

It is also possible with –compilation-db [<fn>] on the command line. The command line overrules Project.meta.

Example output:

    "directory": "C:/test/sub",
    "command": "g++ -c -MD -MF build/test_main_test/src/lib.d -o build/test_main_test/src/lib.o src/lib.cpp",
    "file": "src/lib.cpp"
    "directory": "C:/test/main",
    "command": "g++ -c -MD -MF -D TEST build/test/src/main.d -o build/test/src/main.o src/main.cpp",
    "file": "src/main.cpp"