Class: Dragnet::Exporters::HTMLExporter
- Includes:
- Helpers::RepositoryHelper
- Defined in:
- lib/dragnet/exporters/html_exporter.rb
Creates an HTML report from the given Test Records and Errors data.
Constant Summary collapse
File.join(__dir__, 'templates', 'template.html.erb').freeze
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Exporter
#errors, #logger, #repository, #test_records
Instance Method Summary collapse
#export ⇒ String
Generates the report and returns it as a string.
Methods included from Helpers::RepositoryHelper
#relative_to_repo, #repo_base, #shorten_sha1
Methods inherited from Exporter
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Dragnet::Exporters::Exporter