Specification Directives


Five types are provided for manually written specifications:

  • srs A software requirement, usually derived to specs. A srs needs to be tested.

  • spec An architectural or design specification, e.g. a use case or resource usage. It does not directly link to source code but needs to be refined and linked to other specs, mods, interfaces or units. A spec needs to be tested.

  • mod A software module. This element has an informative nature, it links to the module documentation and provides a brief description of the module. It does not need to be tested directly.

  • interface An interface between two modules in the architecture. Needs to be linked to the caller unit, the callee unit and if applicable to the interface unit. Interface tests are obligatory.
    The usage in software module design is deprecated.

  • unit A single functionality, which is not split any further, usually a class or a function. It refers to source code and is tested.

Two additional types of are not intended to be used manually. They are generated by Dim when exporting data to reStructuredText.

  • requirement An input requirement, system requirement or a software requirement. Requirements have to be linked to the software architecture and software module design. Note, that software requirements in Dim are deprecated, write them in Sphinx directly as srs.

  • information Additional non-binding information.

See Traceability chapter for information about how to connect these elements.


If you use interface with an ID starting with SMD_, an error will be raised during the build. To skip that check, set the variable dox_trace_allow_deprecated in conf.py to True:

dox_trace_allow_deprecated = True


To create a specification, use one of the following the directives:

  • .. srs:: <unique_id>

  • .. spec:: <unique_id>

  • .. mod:: <unique_id>

  • .. interface:: <unique_id>.

  • .. unit:: <unique_id>

The description is placed into the content part of the directive. It can be simple text or any other complex Sphinx syntax including headings. In the following example many attributes are shown automatically, which are explained in further sections on this guideline page.

The ID is rendered as HTML link to itself, so the anchor can be simply copied from the address bar of the browser and e.g. pasted into a ticket.



.. srs:: SRS_topic_aspect

    Description of the **srs**.

.. mod:: SWA_mod_name

    Description of the **mod**.

.. spec:: SWA_feature_id1

    Description of the **spec**.

    .. image:: ../_static/example.png

.. interface:: SWA_feature_id2

    Description of

    the **interface**.

.. unit:: SMD_module_classX

    Description of
    the **unit**.


[srs] SRS_topic_aspect   Status: draft

Asil: not_set | Cal: not_set | Upstream Asil: - | Upstream Cal: -
Developer: [missing] | Tester: [missing] | Verification Methods: on_target
Tags: - | Upstream Tags: -

Description of the srs.

Verification Criteria: [missing]
Derived Feature: -
Derived Change Request: -

Upstream References: [missing]
Downstream References: [missing]

[mod] SWA_mod_name   Status: draft

Asil: not_set | Cal: not_set | Reuse: - | Usage: - | Upstream Asil: - | Upstream Cal: -
Developer: MyCompany

Description of the mod.

Upstream References: [missing]
Location: [missing]

[spec] SWA_feature_id1   Status: draft

Asil: not_set | Cal: not_set | Upstream Asil: - | Upstream Cal: -
Developer: MyCompany | Tester: [missing] | Verification Methods: on_target
Tags: - | Upstream Tags: -

Description of the spec.


Verification Criteria: -
Derived Feature: -
Derived Change Request: -
Custom Enum: x, y
Custom Refs: -

Upstream References: [missing]
Downstream References: [missing]

[interface] SWA_feature_id2   Status: draft

Asil: not_set | Cal: not_set | Upstream Asil: - | Upstream Cal: -
Developer: MyCompany | Tester: [missing] | Verification Methods: on_target
Tags: - | Upstream Tags: -

Description of

the interface.

Verification Criteria: -
Derived Feature: -
Derived Change Request: -

Upstream References: [missing]
Downstream References: [missing]

[unit] SMD_module_classX   Status: draft

Asil: not_set | Cal: not_set | Upstream Asil: - | Upstream Cal: -
Developer: [missing] | Tester: [missing] | Verification Methods: off_target
Tags: - | Upstream Tags: -

Description of the unit.

Verification Criteria: -
Derived Feature: -
Derived Change Request: -
Custom Enum: x, y

Upstream References: [missing]
Downstream References: -
Sources: [missing]

Naming Convention of IDs

The naming convention of IDs is independent from the type. The names must be unique. Use short but concise strings.

  • Software Requirements: SRS_<topic>_<id>

  • Software Architecture: SWA_<aspect/feature>_<id>
    For mods use: SWA_mod_<moduleName>

  • Software Module Design: SMD_<moduleName>_<id>
    For units use the class name and/or method name: SMD_<moduleName>_<className>::<methodName>


.. srs:: SRS_Deployment_FunctionalSafety

.. mod:: SWA_mod_xcpEthernetAdapter

.. spec:: SWA_XCP_Paging

.. unit:: SMD_xcp_XcpSlave

.. unit:: SMD_xcp_XcpSlave::dispatcher