Style Checks

This extension is capable of checking several style rules in configurable manner and hooks itself up into the regular Sphinx build process. It’s triggered by Sphinx as soon as all documents have been discovered and filtered. Hence, only changed documents will be checked.

Built-In Checks

The following checks are included and enabled by default:

    • Whitespaces

      • trailing_whitespaces Trailing whitespaces are not allowed.

    • Heading Syntax

      • heading_levels Enforces the style of heading underline characters.

      • underline_length Headline underline length must match the length of the headline itself.

    • Top-Level Headings

      • top_level_heading All documents must have a top-level heading.

      • top_level_length Top-level heading must not exceed a configurable maximum length.

      • top_level_modulename The top-level heading in index.rst of modules must start with the module name.

      • top_level_casing Module name in top-level heading must match the module name in terms of capitalization.

    • Include Directives

      • include_rst Includes must not point to an *.rst file


To use the dox_style extension just register it in


To configure the checks, specify the stylecheck variable in Only non-default values need to be specified.

The full list of options including defaults can be obtained by running

python -m dox_style

from within the extension repository.

Global Options

  • Excluding files from all checks:

    'exclude': [<list of glob patterns>]  # default: []
  • Defining how many lines of context above/below the finding are show

    'excerpt': 4  # default: 2

Check-Specific Options

Each check has its own key in the stylecheck variable and features at least the following options for globally disabling this check and to exclude certain files from this particular check:

'trailing_whitespaces': {'enabled': True, 'exclude': []}

All checks are enabled by default and their exclusion list is empty.


This is an example configuration:

stylecheck = {
    'exclude': ['**/gptp/**'],
    'excerpt': 2,
    'trailing_whitespaces': {'exclude': ['**/3rdparty/**']},
    'top_level_length': {'limit': 40},
    'top_level_modulename': {'enabled': False}

To disable all checks, use this configuration:

stylecheck = {
    'exclude': ['*'],