create indexer operation with neon binding

Rust: implement streaming API

Since most operations triggered in chipmunk can take some time (mostly working on big files or streams), all functions should use events/messages to inform the chipmunk about progress, results, errors and warnings. Below is a description of how to achieve that.

your function should take 2 additional parameters:

fn main() {
update_channel: mpsc::Sender<IndexingResults<T>>,
shutdown_rx: Option<mpsc::Receiver<()>>,

both are rust mpsc channels that can be used for communication between the client using your function and the function itself. the update_channel is the sender-end of a mpsc channel which means that your function can use it to send messages to the function-user. So what should/can your function send? There are 2 basic categories of events you should send: IndexingProgress<T> messages or Notification messages. We use the Result type to make the distinction. Kind of like the Either type in haskell. Either we send an Ok(event) or an Err(notification).

fn main() {
pub type IndexingResults<T> = std::result::Result<IndexingProgress<T>, Notification>;

In case of an IndexingProgress, you can either send an actual result (GotItem), or report on the lifecycle state of the function (indicating progress or the end of the function)

fn main() {
pub enum IndexingProgress<T> {
    GotItem { item: T },
    Progress { ticks: (usize, usize) },

Note that for indicating that the function is finished, there are 2 events (Stopped and Finished) This is to distinguish between "we were stopped from outside" and "we really did finish"). For all errors that occure and should be communicated to chipmunk, you can send a Notification. This is a struct that contains the severity, some content and optionally a line number to indicate at which line the error has occurred.

fn main() {
pub struct Notification {
    pub severity: Severity,
    pub content: String,
    pub line: Option<usize>,